In the distant future, earthlings embarked on a mission to unveil the mysteries of space, searching for other forms of life. Aboard Sensorium Starship, members of this intergalactic expedition discovered a space-time tunnel into an alternate universe — Sensorium Galaxy. This digital metaverse consists of a Halo, a many-worlds space, and three celestial bodies that feed it with cosmic energies.


Sensorium Starship is an intergalactic shuttle, a never-ending party space, an Observatory of the Universe. Once you start a journey to Sensorium Galaxy metaverse you get on board of the Starship so fasten your seat belt.

Starship was designed as a transfer to Sensorium Galaxy. Virtual and real DJs, dancers, exclusive performances, incredible interiors, friendly talks with real users and NPCs – maximum socialization and all sorts of entertainment. You can have a private cabin and build your virtual alter-ego there, customize and dress it up.

Another Starship mode is the Observatory of the Universe with levitating capsules from which you can behold the Cosmos while moving through space. You can also see performative arts emerging — later they’ll become virtual shows in the worlds of Sensorium Galaxy.

prism world

This is the epicenter of entertainment at Sensorium Galaxy. Massive shows impossible to conceive in the real world are hosted in PRISM World. You immerse yourself in the beauty of sound and go on stage with favorite DJs and dance legends.

Top world electronic music DJs and artists have already joined PRISM for collaborations, including Eric Prydz, David Guetta, Charlotte de Witte, Armin van Buuren, Carl Cox, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike and Black Coffee. Each of these artists will create a series of exclusive performances.

PRISM is constantly changing. Seismic electromagnetic waves and the power of sound frequencies work here in such a way that the whole landscape is transforming under their influence. Given that in combination with creativity and technologies each artistic performance becomes truly unique and inimitable.

motion world

MOTION is a spiritual and distinguished place for those who want to learn more about themselves, explore the inner world of their body, mind and soul using traditional and future instruments from meditation to digital immortality.

Joining MOTION is an opportunity to reconnect with your inner source and unlock a new dimension of senses. Crafted by the leading experts and top speakers in mindfulness, guided meditation, self-development coaching and deep relaxation workshops take you through an intensive path to self-awareness, enabling you to overcome suffering and recognize natural wisdom.

Out-of-This-World Experiences


virtual beings
virtual beings

Set yourself free from Earthly limitations. Ultra-realistic, AI-enabled avatars enhance the immersive experience and allow you to express yourself with absolute freedom.

Sensorium Galaxy is inhabited by Virtual Beings – autonomous AI characters with natural human-like behaviors. Capable of real-time learning, each Virtual Being becomes naturally unique through the process of neural evolution with individual traits expressed in behaviors and conversations.

Let your character and talents take the lead. Stand out from stereotypes and pick your intergalactic look from a variety of Sensorium Galaxy avatars. The process of designing your virtual alter-ego is smooth thanks to an extensive variety of avatars and customizable clothing items and special effects. Once ready, the user can dive into the Galaxy.

Avatars evolve and adapt directly in the VR environments through interactions with users and each other. They constantly learn from users dynamically analyzing their behavior, identifying patterns and preferences to form their own digital DNA. Digital DNA captures users’ best features, creating idealized images devoid of routine and serving as a source of positive energy for other inhabitants of Sensorium.

Appearance – AAA skins, outfits and effects.

Intellect – mind and personality building.

Capabilities – interactive dialogue and ability to dance.

Users can connect with other real participants or engage in exciting talks with AI-driven NPCs.

artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence

Evolving AI is the backbone of Virtual Beings in Sensorium Galaxy, supporting their self-learning capabilities and their emergent and adaptive behaviors.

The evolution of neural networks facilitates real-time acquisition of memories, analysis of surrounding context and learning new skills. The combination of evolving AI with large language models enables Virtual Beings to hold natural context-aware and continuous conversations on almost any topic.

digital immortality
digital immortality

The concept of digital immortality in Sensorium Galaxy means that virtual beings here are not users’ digital copies, but autonomous creatures enabled with sophisticated AI toolsls and can live forever inside the metaverse.

You have the ability to configure the visual representation of the avatars as well as their characters. Through advanced artificial intelligence, users can shape the consciousness of each virtual being, nurturing them with a backstory, a set of preferences, and dispositions. These settings are printed in the Pyramid of Consciousness behind every single avatar. Over time, avatars gain the ability to operate autonomously. Even when users are offline, their avatars can interact with other participants and engage in certain activities.

virtual artists x mubert
virtual artists x mubert

Sensorium Galaxy implements innovative virtual artists in the digital metaverse space. AI-empowered DJs, dancers, performers are autonomous and creative individuals who host performances and use generative music as dynamic and constantly changing content.

Mubert joined efforts with Sensorium AG to develop the musical skills of these AI-driven DJs. Genetic algorithms behind each of these all-digital characters will drive their behavior and allow them to absorb data from the environment to nurture their knowledge and evolve their music styles. From hip-hop and EDM to K-pop and indie-rock, these DJs will masterly handle over 60 genres of music.

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